I'm so excited to share this, and this will be like no other blog post I've done. As people know, over the last few months I've been losing weight, but I haven't always kept everyone up to date with the progress. That's because, I had been keeping it as private as possible, as I was going to do a massive blog post, YouTube video etc once I reach my target weight. However, I've moved my target goal, and also found out that I was a lot heavier at one point than I thought, as I hadn't always been told of my weight when I was being weighed in hospital. Truth is, the heaviest I got to was 99.7kg. I was gobsmacked when I found out, and so glad I was already doing what most think is impossible.
This journey hasn't been easy either, I've been quiet because 4 weeks ago, I had an asthma attack that almost killed me. I've only just begun to slowly start training again, and thought that I would have definitely put weight on whilst recovering. I'm pleased to say, that I actually have lost a further 1.5kg in the last month, and my more accurate, and most recent hospital weight was EXTREMELY encouraging to me, as I know I'm getting there slowly.
As for the updated weight goals? Ah yes, I've decided to go to 60kg as a target instead of somewhere between 65-76.5kg. Why? Because I'll be within 12.5% of the weight that I was 4 years ago, and I'll also certainly be a size 8 again! The really funny thing is, that I'm aiming now to be at 60kg by mid July. It gives me 4 months to lose 18.5kg. That's around 4.5kg loss each month, and I KNOW I can, and WILL do it. I've been purposefully losing weight since November, and in that time have lost 20kg. Bearing in mind, that I've had 3 periods of 4-6 weeks where I haven't been able to exercise for various reasons.
One thing that keeps me motivated with this, is that I'm putting old clothes back in my wardrobe, whilst also buying a couple of tops that I like, in the size I want to get back to. Whilst doing that, I've also been selling clothes that are too big for me so that it makes getting the new wardrobe of clothes cheaper. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that I'm not buying any new jeans until I've reached my target weight! I'll just be wearing the ones I haven't worn in 4 years whilst shopping for new ones at Bicester because of the plan I'm putting in place currently. Selling clothes etc to get new things, also means that I've been able to do a massive clearout of things I've never used, so I've been selling them too. It's great to be able to save some of the money back ready for the shop I plan to do once I hit my target weight, especially as that is literally the one thing I plan on doing to celebrate!
One thing I want to say, is that losing weight when you can't use your legs is a frustratingly long, and often difficult process. You need to find what keeps you motivated. For me, it's knowing that each morning, one of my wardrobes has some of the clothes that in a few short months I'll be able to wear. I also know that once I'm back to a size 8, I will feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. My weight gain is the second biggest thing I've struggled with the most since being a wheelchair user, the biggest being that there's a lot of simple things I can't do. It's hard when you look in the mirror, and feel yourself becoming more and more depressed, but that's why I knew I needed to carve out some sort of plan to get back to the clothing size I was, where I was happiest the most in my own skin.